Accessibility at WPCC

word cloud graphic with terms surrounding accessibility of technology and contentIn accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the NC Persons with Disabilities Protection Act, and Western Piedmont Community College’s mission statement to provide an accessible quality education, WPCC is committed to making its campus, courses, activities, and online content accessible to everyone.   


Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.1 is the standard WPCC follows when creating its website content. WPCC’s goal is to eliminate any barriers for visitors to our website. Please notify if you encounter any issues accessing any website content.

Campus Activities

To request interpreting services or other accommodations for any school function or activity, please contact the Office of Personal and Career Development a minimum of three business days in advance of the event. Please email Deanna Keller, Assistant Director of Personal & Career Development at or call 828-448-3154.

Campus Buildings and Parking

Photo of a car parked in a handicapped parking space on the WPCC CampusWPCC’s campus is beautiful but very hilly. Designated parking is available for persons with disabilities. Stairs and hills can be avoided by entering buildings at the lower level at the marked automated door entrances. Elevators are nearby to take you up to the second level which provides access to the grassy commons area and main level access to all other buildings. Wheelchair access to programs in Leviton Auditorium is available either in the back row of auditorium or in the front row or stage area (wheelchair lift access). Please contact the Office of Personal and Career Development if you have questions about campus access.

Courses and Academic Programs

For students who plan to enroll or who are already enrolled in any course or program, the Office of Personal and Career Development provides support services and accommodations to meet the specialized, individual needs of otherwise-qualified students with documented disabilities. A disability under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act is defined as a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits at least one major life activity or bodily function.  If you would like more information about how the Office of Personal and Career Development can assist and support you as you pursue your academic goals, please request a meeting with the Assistant Director at or 828-448-3154.

Accommodations can be requested at any time. However, because some accommodations can take several days to several weeks or longer to get in place, a student should apply for accommodations prior to the start of each semester and/or at their earliest opportunity.  Accommodations are determined via a cooperative process that includes disability services, faculty, and the student. For more detailed information, visit the Disability Services web page.