Faculty and Staff Directory

Excellent staff makes for an excellent college!

Western Piedmont Community College’s reputation as an outstanding educational institution is built upon the dedication and expertise of its exceptional staff and faculty. These professionals are not only highly qualified in their fields but are also deeply committed to student success, fostering an environment where learning thrives. Their passion for teaching, personalized support, and genuine care for the community create a nurturing atmosphere that encourages growth and achievement. From one-on-one guidance to innovative classroom experiences, the faculty and staff at WPCC go above and beyond to ensure students are well-prepared for their futures, making the college a true cornerstone of educational excellence.

Tanner Abernethy

Grounds Technician 


Dr. Gergana Adams

Instructor, English

gadams@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6021

Phifer Hall Room 31  

Terry Adams

Coordinator, Vocational Programs 

tadams@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6707

K Building Room 120-C


Leslie Aldridge

Division Assistant, Workforce & Continuing Education 

laldridge@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6711
Foothills Higher Education Center Room 113

Leigh Angle

Project Coordinator, Title III 

langle@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3170 

Hildebrand Hall Room 113 


Monica Arney


marney@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3129 

Moore Hall Room 301-D 

Brittany Atwell

Director, TRIO ETS 

batwell@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3181 

Hildebrand Hall Room 139-B 

Emily Banks

Director, Marketing 

ebanks@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3120 

Moore Hall Room 330-B 

Miranda Beaver

Division Assistant, Law Enforcement Center 

mbeaver3@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3135

Moore Hall Room 214 

Jenny Beck

Success Coach 

bentonjb@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6031 

Phifer Hall Room 96

Annette Benedetti

Director, Advising 

abenedetti@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3155 

Hildebrand Hall Room 146 

Susan Berley

Vice President for Student Success & Support Services 

sberley@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6125 

Moore Hall Room 330-B 

Anita Berry

Benefits/Recruitment Specialist 

aberry@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3127 

Moore Hall Room 312 

Josh Berry

Career Coach 

jberry@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3188 

E Building Room 111

Michelle Bobo

Department Head, Nursing 

mbobo@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3529

Foothills Higher Education Center Room 219

Blaise Boone

IHE (GEAR UP) Coordinator 

boonetr@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3157 

Hildebrand Hall Room 106

Carla Branch

Payroll Accounting Specialist 

cbranch@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3111 

Moore Hall Room 301-E

Ruth Brisson

Circulation Administrative Technician 

rbrisson@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6195 

Phifer Hall Room 104

Robert Brittain

Maintenance Lead 


Sophie Brown

Advisor, TRIO SSS 

sbrown6@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3505 

Hildebrand Hall Room 130

Joy Buff

Director, College & Career Readiness 

jbuff@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6704 

Patton Hall Room 10-B 


Kayla Buff

Instructor, Cosmetology 

kbuff2@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3539 

Cosmetology Building Room 116 


Stacey Burchette

Instructor, Mathematics 

sburchette@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3513 

Phifer Hall Room 18-A 


Joshua Cecil

Coordinator, Welding Technology 

jcecil@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3553 

Breeden Hall Room 30 


Wes Chaney

Counselor, College & Career Readiness

Coordinator, Secondary Education 

wchaney@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6705 

Patton Hall Room 21 

Jenna Chapman

Coordinator, Cosmetology 

jchapman3@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3548 

Cosmetology Building Room 114 




Matthew Childres

Instructor, English 

mchildres3@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6137 

Phifer Hall Room 34 

Bryan Christy

Director, Law Enforcement Training 

bchristy@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3138 

Moore Hall Room 214-D 

Tonya Coates

Coordinator, Accounting & Business Administration 

tcoates@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6058

Carr Hall Room 220 

James Coleman

Director, Technology Services 

jcoleman@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3148 

Moore Hall Room 107-A

Betsy Colliander

Coordinator, Medical Office & Office Administration 

bcolliander@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6057 

Carr Hall Room 219 


Matthew Cook

Career Coach 

cookma@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3163 

E Building Room 111 

Christopher Craig

Records Specialist 

ccraig@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6133 

Hildebrand Hall Room 117 

Mary Craig

Instructor, Medical Assisting 

mcraig@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3501 

Jim Burnett Hall Room 259 




Robert Crawford

Coordinator, Computer Integrated Machining Technology 

rcrawford2@bjlanjia.com | rcrawford2@bjlanjia.com

F Building Room 10 



Jonathan Crumpler

Coordinator, DEAT & SGD 

Jcrumpler@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3544 

Moore Hall Room 324 

Jason Dale

Department Head, Business 

Coordinator, Information Technology

jdale@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6055 

Carr Hall Room 217 

Jeffrey Dale

Facility Service Aide 





Nancy Daniel

Directory, Library Services 

Ndaniel@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3160 

Phifer Hall Room 103 

Michael Daniels

Dean, Applied Technologies 

Mdaniels@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3564 

Breeden Hall Room 90

Dr. Cynthia Davies

Vice President of Academic Affairs & Workforce Development 

cdavies@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6048 

Carr Hall Room 140 

Charlene Davis

Instructional Technology Coach 

Cmdavis@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6097 

Carr Hall Room 221 

Anissa Demiter

Instructor, English 

ademiter@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6024 

Phifer Hall Room 57 


Sam Dotson

Regional Director of Decision Support & Predictive Analytics 

sdotson@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3103

Terry Doyle

Coordinator, Social Sciences 

tdoyle@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3550 

E Building Room 103-F 

Brenda Duckworth

Instructor, Mathematics 

Bduckworth@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3512 

Phifer Hall Room 82

Katie Dunnagan

Coordinator, Institutional Research & Evaluation 

Kdunnagan@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3171 

Moore Hall Room 330-A



Madison Ervin

Coordinator of Student Activities 

mervin2@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3169 

Hildebrand Hall Room 100 

Stephanie Ervin Davis

Assistant Controller 

servin-davis@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6020 

Moore Hall Room 301-G 

Nicholas Evitt

Director, TRIO SSS 

nevitt@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3504 

Hildebrand Hall Room 129 

Kristi Farley

Director, Academic Compliance and Quality 

kfarley@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3114 

Carr Hall Room 141 

John Ferguson

Coordinator / Instructor, Professional Crafts Wood 

jferguson@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6748

Breeden Hall Room 60 

Judy Fisher

Examiner, High School Equivalency 

Jfisher62@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3134 

Patton Hall Room 20 

Melissa Freeman

Division Assistant, College & Career readiness 

mfreeman@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6710 

Patton Hall Room 10-A

Thomas Frost

Department Head, Mathematics 

tfrost@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3514 

Room 18-B 

Thomas Furse

Dean, Workforce Development & Continuing Education 

tfurse@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3121

Foothills Higher Education Center Room 108 

Grady Gaither

Facility Services Aide 


Laura Gallman

Coordinator, English 

Lgallman@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6029 

Phifer Hall Room 58 

April Gardin

Foundation & Grants Accountant 

Agardin2@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6022 

Moore Hall Room 301-A 

Kasey Gardner

Coordinator, Early Childhood Education 

kgardner@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3133

Carr Hall Room 121

Ronnie Gibbs

Assistant Director, Security & Safety 

rgibbs@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6196 

Jim Burnett Hall Room 151 

Tammy Glover

Coordinator, Dental Assisting 

tglover@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3545 
Foothills Higher Education Center Room 125 

Zeb Graham

Chief, Security & Safety 

zgraham@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6196 

Jim Burnett Hall Room 151

Ronald Gray

Director, Facility Services 

rgray@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6068 

Hildebrand Hall Room 27 

Herbert Guynes

Coordinator, Building Construction Technology 

bguynes@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6139 

K Building Room 115-D 

Robin Hall

Director, Purchasing 

rhall@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3107

Moore Hall Room 301-C 

Bryan Harris

Coordinator, IST & Mechatronics 

Bharris@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3568 

Mechatronics Building Room 103 

Randolph Harrison

Coordinator, First Year Experience 

rharrison@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3179 

E Building Room 135 

Cody Helms

Assistant Director, Financial Aid 

Chelms2@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3151 

Hildebrand Hall Room 119 

Meagan Hennessee

Bookstore/Café Specialist 

Mhennessee2@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3187 

Phifer Hall Room 81-C 

Lillian Hennessy

Coordinator, Physical Education 

lhennessy@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3506 

E Building Room 103-H 

Lacie Herman

TRIO ETS – Educational Resource Facilitator 

Lminton3@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6023 

Hildebrand Hall Room 139 

Candis Hildebran

Computer Support Technician 

childebran@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3146 

Moore Hall Room 108

Sandra Hoilman

Vice President for Administrative Services / Chief Financial Office 

shoilman@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6025 

Moore Hall Room 301-B 

Wendy Houk

Coordinator, Allied Health Programs 

whouk@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3532 

Foothills Higher Education Center 



Terry Houston

Director, Occupational Extension Programs

thouston@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6751 

Foothills Higher Education Center Room 111 

Cathy Huffman Oaks

Instructor, Medical Office & Office Administration 

choaks@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6056 

Carr Hall Room 218 

Eric Hurley

Instructor, Construction Trades 

ehurley@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3118 

K Building Room 215-B 



April James

Coordinator, Medical Laboratory Technology 

ajames@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6033 

E Building Room 102 


David Jaynes

Director, Emergency Medical Services 

jaynesda@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3165 

Foothills Higher Education Center Room 103

Stacey Johnson

Instructor, Chemistry 

sjohnson@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3523 

Patton Hall Room 105 

Courtney Johnson

TRIO ETS – Educational Resource Facilitator 

cjohnson13@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3183


Maria Juan

Marketing Specialist 

mjuan@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6416 

Moore Hall Room 330-A 



Deanna Keller

Assistant Director, Personal and Career Development 

dkeller@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3154 

Hildebrand Hall Room 136 

Dr. Shannon Kincaid

Department Head, Science 

skincaid@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3524 

Patton Hall Room 106 

Dr. John Kiser

Coordinator, Physical Science 

jkiser@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3168 

Patton Hall Room 108-A 


Lily Laramie

Director, Small Business Center 

llaramie@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6719 

Foothills Higher Education Center Room 105 

Sarah Ledford

Instructor, Nursing 


Benjamin Leonard

Management Information Systems Analyst 

bleonard@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3190 

Moore Hall Room 110 

Mai Lor

Division Assistant, Student Services 

Mlor8@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6046 



Jordan Lowe

Admissions & Academic Advisor 

Jlowe2@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3161 

Hildebrand Hall Room 100-B 


Daniel Lynn

Facility Construction & Maintenance 


Laura Marley-Trotter

Instructor, Medical Laboratory Technology 

Lmarley-trotter@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3541 

E Building Room 120 

Hope McPeters

Collections / Payroll Specialist 

hmcpeters@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6128 

Moore Hall Room 301-F 

Erin Mendoza

Instructor, Spanish 

emendoza@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3109 

Phifer Hall Room 32 


Kyle Miller

Computer Support Administrator 

kmiller@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3145 

Moore Hall Room 108

Lisa Miller

Executive Director, College Foundation 

lmiller@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3123 

Moore Hall Room 319 

Patsy Miller

Coordinator, College & Career Readiness 

pmiller@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6706 

Patton Hall Room 22 

Amy Miller-Lamb

Records Specialist 

Amiller-lamb@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6037 

Hildebrand Hall Room 111 


Brian Mills

Coordinator, Paralegal 

bmills@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6044 

Carr Hall Room 122

Timothy Mode

Instructor, Physics 

Tmode2@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3525 

Patton Hall Room 110 

Jennie Moore

Coordinator, Mechanical Engineering Technology 

Jmoore11@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3559 

Breeden Hall Room 40 

Dr. Michael Moore

Instructor, Biology 

Mmore2@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3527 

Patton Hall Room 114 



Jennifer Moua

Director, Financial Aid 

jmoua@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3152

Hildebrand Hall Room 123

Steven Moulton

Department Head, Public Services in Applied Technologies 

smoulton@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6042 

Carr Hall Room 129 

Bynum Murray

Instructor, DEAT & SGD

bmurray@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6193 

Moore Hall Room 323 



Emily Nestor

Director, Center for Teaching & Learning 

Enestor@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3519 

Carr Hall Room 222 



Dr. Nancy Norris

Management Information Systems Administrator 

nnorris@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3150 

Moore Hall Room 110 

Gerald O'Hearn

Coordinator/Instructor, Computer & Electrical Engineering Technology 

gohearn@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3560 

Breeden Hall Room 50 

Sarah Owen Weeks

Instructor, Criminal Justice 

sowenweeks@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6047 

Carr Hall Room 120 

Lucy Palmer

Career Coach 

lpalmer@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3189 

E Building Room 111 


Leah Patton

Coordinator, TRIO SSS

lpatton@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6142 

Hildebrand Hall Room 130 

Mark Pellatt

Associate Dean, Arts & Sciences 

Department Head, Humanities & Social Sciences

mpellatt@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3543 

E Building Room 103-D 

Brandon Pitman

Coordinator, Horticulture Technology 

bpitman@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3554 

K Building Room 215-C 



Mark Poteat

Coordinator, Visual Arts 

mpoteat@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3538 

E Building Room 115 




Dr. Kara Presnell

Instructor, Communications 

kpresnell@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6194 

Phifer Hall Room 33 

Jennifer Propst

Director, Outreach & Recruitment 

jpropst@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6051 

Hildebrand Hall Room 100-A 

Kyndal Propst

Success Coach 

kpropst@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6709 

Carr Hall Room 214 



Donald Queen

Department Head, Engineering 

dqueen@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3556 

Breeden Hall Room 20 


Linda Quinto Ellis

Instructor, Psychology 

lqellis@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3542 

E Building Room 140 

Ann Marie Radaskiewicz

Dean,  Arts & Sciences & QEP Director 

aradaskiewicz@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3509 

E Building Room 103-C 

Kristina Rasmussen

Manager, Bookstore / Cafe  

krasmussen@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6127  

Phifer Hall Room 81-D 

Peggy Reel

Accounts Receivable Specialist 

Mreel2@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3106 

Moore Hall Room 301-A 

Chassidy Reynolds

Admissions & Academic Advisor 

Creynolds@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3530 

Hildebrand Hall Room 110-D 

Leslie Ruckdeschel

Financial Aid Counselor 

lruckdeschel@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6712 

Hildebrand Hall Room 120 

Lisa Sessions

Director, Human Resources 

lsessions@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3126 

Moore Hall Room 311 

Luke Setzer

Success Coach 

Lsetzer2@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6050 

E Building Room 103-E

Jessica Sewell

TRIO ETS – Project Assistant

jsewell@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3182 

Hildebrand Hall Room 139-A 

Lisa Shaw

Director, Personal & Career Development 

ljshaw@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3116 

Phifer Hall Room 135 

Stacey Sholar

Executive Assistant to the President 

Scholar@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3102 

Moore Hall Room 313 




Vicki Shuping

Coordinator, Medical Assisting 

Vshuping@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3172 

Jim Burnett Hall Room 260 

Luke Simmons

Grounds Tech 



David Smart

Director, Industry Services & Customized Training

dsmart@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6154 

Foothills Higher Education Center Room 109 

Amanda Smith

Accounts Payable/Equipment Specialist 

Asmith9@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3108 

Moore Hall Room 303

Trey Smith

Director, Emergency Services Programs 


828.448.6708  | Foothills Higher Education Center Room 110 



Brandy Snipes

Early Childhood Education Recruitment/Retention Specialist 

bsnipes@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6059 

Carr Hall Room 124 

Lauren Soots

Instructor, Nursing 

lsoots@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6190 

Foothills Higher Education Center Room 214 

Michael Spath

Coordinator, Life Science 

mspath@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3522 

Patton Hall Room 103

Brandon Stafford

Instructor, English 

bstafford@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3125 

Phifer Hall Room 035

Abigail Stewart

Instructor, Business Administration 

astewart@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6054 

Carr Hall Room 216 

Tina Stewart

Network/Computer Support Technician 

tstewart@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3149 

Moore Hall Room 110 

Keith Strand

Network Administrator 

kstrand@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3144

Moore Hall Room 110 

Lindsay Stump

Financial Aid Counselor 

lstump@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3597 

Hildebrand Hall Room 124 

Cathy Tallent

Bookstore/Café Specialist 

mtallent@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6725 

Phifer Hall Room 81-C 

Samuel Tallent

Instructor, Construction Trades 

Stallent3@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6191 

K Building Room 115-C

Emily Thao

Instructor, Nursing 

Ethao3@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3547 

Foothills Higher Education Center Room 218 

Dr. Tou Vang

Dean, Student Services 

Tvang5@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3178 

Hildebrand Hall Room 116 

Robert Vasile

Instructor, Information Technology 

rvasile@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6067 

Carr Hall Room 215 

Kenneth Ward

RPED Success Coach 

Kward5@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3174 

Hildebrand Hall Room 100-D 

Anna Watkins

Assistant Director of Record & Registration, CE 

awatkins@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6041 

Hildebrand Hall Room 107 

L. Michelle Weiner

Coordinator, College & Career Readiness/LEIS Data Specialist 

lweiner@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6740 

Patton Hall Room 19



Joel Welch


jwelch@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3102 

Moore Hall Room 313-B 

Ashley Wells

Administrative Coordinator, AAWD 

awells@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6123 

E Building Room 103-G 

Mark Whisnant

General Maintenance Utilities 





Tammy Whitesides

Administrative Coordinator, AAWD 

twhitesides@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6072 

Foothills Higher Education Center Room 128 

Chadwick Wilkes

Grounds Lead / General Maintenanc


Haven Worley

Apprenticeship Coordinator 

hworley@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6145 

Foothills Higher Education Center Room 102 


Katharine Wright

Department Head, Health Sciences 

kwright@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3536 

Patton Hall Room 6 



Ava Yamouti

Dean, Health & Human Services
ayamouti@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3502 

Foothills Higher Education Center Room 126

Jeffery York

Coordinator, Interpreter Education 

yorkjb@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6028 

Carr Hall Room 123