Faculty and Staff Directory
Excellent staff makes for an excellent college!
Western Piedmont Community College’s reputation as an outstanding educational institution is built upon the dedication and expertise of its exceptional staff and faculty. These professionals are not only highly qualified in their fields but are also deeply committed to student success, fostering an environment where learning thrives. Their passion for teaching, personalized support, and genuine care for the community create a nurturing atmosphere that encourages growth and achievement. From one-on-one guidance to innovative classroom experiences, the faculty and staff at WPCC go above and beyond to ensure students are well-prepared for their futures, making the college a true cornerstone of educational excellence.

Terry Adams

Leslie Aldridge
Division Assistant, Workforce & Continuing Education
laldridge@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6711
Foothills Higher Education Center Room 113

Leigh Angle

Brittany Atwell
Director, TRIO ETS
batwell@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3181
Hildebrand Hall Room 139-B

Miranda Beaver

Annette Benedetti

Susan Berley
Vice President for Student Success & Support Services
sberley@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6125
Moore Hall Room 330-B

Michelle Bobo
Department Head, Nursing
mbobo@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3529
Foothills Higher Education Center Room 219

Carla Branch

Ruth Brisson

Joy Buff

Stacey Burchette

Joshua Cecil

Wes Chaney
Counselor, College & Career Readiness
Coordinator, Secondary Education
wchaney@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6705
Patton Hall Room 21

Jenna Chapman

Bryan Christy

Tonya Coates
Coordinator, Accounting & Business Administration
tcoates@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6058
Carr Hall Room 220

James Coleman

Betsy Colliander
Coordinator, Medical Office & Office Administration
bcolliander@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6057
Carr Hall Room 219

Mary Craig

Robert Crawford
Coordinator, Computer Integrated Machining Technology
rcrawford2@bjlanjia.com | rcrawford2@bjlanjia.com
F Building Room 10

Jason Dale
Department Head, Business
Coordinator, Information Technology
jdale@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6055
Carr Hall Room 217

Michael Daniels

Dr. Cynthia Davies
Vice President of Academic Affairs & Workforce Development
cdavies@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6048
Carr Hall Room 140

Charlene Davis

Sam Dotson
Regional Director of Decision Support & Predictive Analytics
sdotson@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3103

Katie Dunnagan
Coordinator, Institutional Research & Evaluation
Kdunnagan@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3171
Moore Hall Room 330-A

Madison Ervin

Stephanie Ervin Davis

Kristi Farley

John Ferguson
Coordinator / Instructor, Professional Crafts Wood
jferguson@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6748
Breeden Hall Room 60

Judy Fisher

Melissa Freeman
Division Assistant, College & Career readiness
mfreeman@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6710
Patton Hall Room 10-A

Thomas Furse
Dean, Workforce Development & Continuing Education
tfurse@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3121
Foothills Higher Education Center Room 108

April Gardin

Kasey Gardner

Ronnie Gibbs

Tammy Glover
Coordinator, Dental Assisting
tglover@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3545
Foothills Higher Education Center Room 125

Herbert Guynes
Coordinator, Building Construction Technology
bguynes@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6139
K Building Room 115-D

Bryan Harris

Randolph Harrison

Cody Helms

Meagan Hennessee

Lillian Hennessy

Lacie Herman
TRIO ETS – Educational Resource Facilitator
Lminton3@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6023
Hildebrand Hall Room 139

Candis Hildebran

Sandra Hoilman
Vice President for Administrative Services / Chief Financial Office
shoilman@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6025
Moore Hall Room 301-B

Wendy Houk
Coordinator, Allied Health Programs
whouk@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3532
Foothills Higher Education Center

Terry Houston
Director, Occupational Extension Programs
thouston@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6751
Foothills Higher Education Center Room 111

Cathy Huffman Oaks
Instructor, Medical Office & Office Administration
choaks@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6056
Carr Hall Room 218

Eric Hurley

April James

David Jaynes
Director, Emergency Medical Services
jaynesda@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3165
Foothills Higher Education Center Room 103

Deanna Keller
Assistant Director, Personal and Career Development
dkeller@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3154
Hildebrand Hall Room 136

Dr. Shannon Kincaid

Dr. John Kiser

Lily Laramie
Director, Small Business Center
llaramie@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6719
Foothills Higher Education Center Room 105

Benjamin Leonard

Jordan Lowe

Laura Marley-Trotter
Instructor, Medical Laboratory Technology
Lmarley-trotter@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3541
E Building Room 120

Hope McPeters

Lisa Miller

Patsy Miller

Amy Miller-Lamb

Jennie Moore
Coordinator, Mechanical Engineering Technology
Jmoore11@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3559
Breeden Hall Room 40

Steven Moulton
Department Head, Public Services in Applied Technologies
smoulton@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6042
Carr Hall Room 129

Emily Nestor

Dr. Nancy Norris
Management Information Systems Administrator
nnorris@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3150
Moore Hall Room 110

Gerald O'Hearn
Coordinator/Instructor, Computer & Electrical Engineering Technology
gohearn@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3560
Breeden Hall Room 50

Sarah Owen Weeks

Mark Pellatt
Associate Dean, Arts & Sciences
Department Head, Humanities & Social Sciences
mpellatt@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3543
E Building Room 103-D

Brandon Pitman

Dr. Kara Presnell

Jennifer Propst

Ann Marie Radaskiewicz
Dean, Arts & Sciences & QEP Director
aradaskiewicz@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3509
E Building Room 103-C

Kristina Rasmussen

Chassidy Reynolds

Leslie Ruckdeschel

Jessica Sewell

Lisa Shaw

Stacey Sholar

Vicki Shuping

David Smart
Director, Industry Services & Customized Training
dsmart@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6154
Foothills Higher Education Center Room 109

Amanda Smith

Trey Smith
Director, Emergency Services Programs
828.448.6708 | Foothills Higher Education Center Room 110

Brandy Snipes
Early Childhood Education Recruitment/Retention Specialist
bsnipes@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6059
Carr Hall Room 124

Lauren Soots

Abigail Stewart

Tina Stewart

Samuel Tallent

Emily Thao

Robert Vasile

Anna Watkins
Assistant Director of Record & Registration, CE
awatkins@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6041
Hildebrand Hall Room 107

L. Michelle Weiner
Coordinator, College & Career Readiness/LEIS Data Specialist
lweiner@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6740
Patton Hall Room 19

Ashley Wells

Tammy Whitesides
Administrative Coordinator, AAWD
twhitesides@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6072
Foothills Higher Education Center Room 128

Haven Worley
Apprenticeship Coordinator
hworley@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.6145
Foothills Higher Education Center Room 102

Katharine Wright

Ava Yamouti
Dean, Health & Human Services
ayamouti@bjlanjia.com | 828.448.3502
Foothills Higher Education Center Room 126